
Perfect Hatred Team
EmeraldCoasttt Current Lead Developer
Dox778 Original Lead Developer
Craneo Graphics: Improved Frozen Railgun, new dual flamecannon, pipebomb, skull key variations
Mechanical Sanity Code: Multiple bug fixes, first person legs, improved code, fixing janitor, double jump, enemy roll, ACS Scripts, better ADS system, improvements to deflectable revenant projectiles, perfected ledge climbing code, revenant jetpack, laser guided missiles
nemesisVampy Code: MES overhauls, improved testmap, menus, and weapon pickup system
sulflix Sounds: ASG select/reload, SMG reload, Railgun reload/inspect, slug shells fire, minigun ammo belt inserting, nailgun alt fire, axe attack, silenced pistol, plasma cells pickup, machinegun belt sound, new BFG10k, Spider Mastermind's firing, frozen railgun primary fire, dragon breath SSG
TrashMarine Sounds: Nailgun reloading smoke
Other Brutal Dooms
Brutal Doom
Project Management of Brutal Doom
Graphics: Frozen railgun muzzle flashes, new plasmagun muzzle flashes
Brutal Doom
Sounds: BFG firing
Project Brutality Code: Original first person legs code, laser guided missiles
Graphics: Floor/ceiling ice shard
Sounds: Revenant's missile launcher/Flamecannon pickup/select
Schism Code: Cleaner variation code for weapons
Various Contributors
(Jekyll Grim Payne)
Code: Help with ledge grabbing, weapons always bobbing, scripting for HUD.
AzoNa Graphics: Polished SSG sprites
Bermanator Sounds: Hand grenade explosion, secret grenade throw, MP40 firing, BFG10k idle
Bjecinst Graphics: Tpose Marine
BLOODWOLF333 Code: Some bugfixes, friendly marine code, improved MES
Blue Shadow Graphics: Doom 3 keycard variations
Bravo Graphics: Stalagtite variation
Captain Toenail Graphics: Extra marine corpse
Clonehunter Graphics: Impaled marine helmet on a spike decoration
Ƅarge™ Graphics: Dual flamecannon sprites
DarthSeeth Graphics: Extra marine corpses edits
Dissy EX Sounds: Rocket bounce, fist wall impact, ASG fire and select, new Freeze grenade, new multiple pickup, energy ball bounce, mancubus' flamecannon, weapon foley, void grenade
Dodopod Code: Six Degrees Of Freedom
Dogelord Sounds: Contributing to the LMG firing, enemy kick variation, axe spinning in the air, nailgun reload
DoomNukem Graphics: New minigun base
Farhan Graphics: Improved dual pistols and reload
fireenmob72 Graphics: Improved shotgun pump sprites
Sounds: Providing multiple effects
Freedoom Graphics: Keycard variation
Frosted_Moontips Graphics: STARTUP Logo
gordo.n Code: Ceiling climbing imps addon and code
Grey_Wolf Code: Insult mugshots ACS scripts
Iamcarrotmaster Graphics: New BFG10k base
IDDQD_1337 Code: Railgun ammo counter
Graphics: Further improved to the shotgun sprites, polished SSG sprites, knuckle crack sprites
ikdfa Code: Smooth dual weapon switch
Sounds: Pistol inspect
(Gorman Freebmane)
Graphics: Base frozen railgun, switching firemodes animation, pinned imp
Sounds: Frozen railgun alt fire, inspect knocks, part of the exploding frozen barrel
(David G)
Graphics: New imp death, dead marine variations
Ivory Duke Code: ZMovement (ledge climb)
JMartinez2098 Graphics: Improved shotgun pump sprites, improved Unmaker pickup
JoeyTD Graphics: Vanilla As Fuck (chainsaw rotations)
Kinsie Graphics: Female marine, crouching zombies
LandyRS Sounds: Miscellaneous voices, Energy Shield, Unmaker teleport
Lewisk3 Code: Vehicles
McKase Code: Some bugfixes, friendly marine code, improved MES
Mryayayify Graphics: Uppercut with knuckle duster
Nash Muhandes Code: Tilt++
NeoWorm Graphics: New Axe
OSJCLATCHFORD Graphics: Key variations
perkristian Sounds: Arachnotron's firing
Popguy12 Graphics: Nail 3D model
Scotty Code: Laser guided missiles
SchrdingCat Code: Cat's Frozen Addon (Improved frozen monsters code, weakened monsters)
Graphics: Cat's Frozen Addon (Frozen monsters, gibs, effects)
Sounds: Cat's Frozen Addon (freezing, frozen monsters struggling)
Sechtera General: Listening to Dox brag about new addon's features despite not playing Doom.
Graphics: improved railgun and nailgun firing frames (+ brightmaps), pistol silencer, improved BFG10k glows, new grenade missiles and being awesome uwu
Skulltag Graphics: Additional impaled marines gore
Squig Graphics: Stained fists and boots, new shotgun, new machinegun, new flamecannon fire frames, soap sprite, help with grenade box, mugshots deaths, brightmaps, Nailgun barrel and magazine, bloody axe variations, angled machinegun firing frames, ASG pickup sprite
Sounds: Contributing to the LMG firing, grenade launcher fire, ASG inspect
StalkerZHS Graphics: Better mugshots
TehRealSalt Code: New blursphere code
The Almighty Egg Sounds: Providing HD sounds for megasphere, rifle reload, chainsaw idle.
TheDoomedArchvile Graphics: Floating eye
The Innocent Crew
Graphics: Extra marine corpse
Theundeadsoldier Graphics: Better pistol zombieman
Tomtefar1988 Graphics: Improved shotgun pump sprites, polished SSG sprites
TypicalSF Graphics: Dual rifle sprites, better firing frames for multiple weapons, a lot of brightmaps, new grenade launcher, new ASG, frozen railgun muzzle flashes, new plasmagun muzzle flashes
Ultra-Violence Graphics: New BFG10k base
Vader Graphics: Baron and hellknight new deaths
Vostyok Graphics: Rusty explosive barrel
Wafer Graphics: Brightmap automation <3
Warry#6969 Sounds: New shell insertion sounds
WolVexus Sounds: Hand grenade explosion, secret grenade throw, MP40 firing, BFG10k idle
Xamp Graphics: New shotgun pickups and resting dropped mags
Xaser Graphics: Nailgun projectile, new minigun base
XV117 Code: Original ledge climbing code and animations
Z86 Graphics: Multiple missing brightmaps (cyberdemon, mastermind, pain elemental)
Borrowed Assets
Acclaim Entertainment and Probe Entertainment Graphics: Frozen railgun muzzle flashes, new plasmagun muzzle flashes
Activision Sounds: New shell insertion sounds
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
(Treyarch, Activision)
Sounds: Mancubus' flamecannon, new foley sounds
Sounds: Rifle's inspect, new foley sounds
Doom 3
(id Software,
Sounds: Fist wall impact sounds, plasma grenade
Doom Eternal
(id Software,
Bethesda Softworks)
Sounds: Rocket bounce, fist wall impact, multiple new pickup, temporary weapon sounds, new freeze grenade, mancubus flamecannon, new foley sounds
Halo: Combat Evolved
(Bungie, Microsoft
Game Studios)
Sounds: Needler
Halo 4
(343 Industries,
Microsoft Studios)
Sounds: New freeze grenade, void grenade, new weapon foley sounds
Halo: Reach
(Bungie, Microsoft
Game Studios)
Sounds: Rocket bounce sound, new freeze grenade, motorcycle horn
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
(Retro Studios,
Sounds: Night vision, computer map, keycard pickup, new freeze grenade, void grenade sounds
Painkiller Black
(People Can Fly,
Deep Silver)
Sounds: Shotgun casings
Postal 2
(Running with Scissors,
Whiptail Interactive)
Sounds: Grenade launcher reload
Quake 4
(id Software,
Raven Software)
Sounds: Nailgun firing effects
Rock Raiders
(Data Design Interactive,
The Lego Group)
Sounds: Void grenade sounds
Team Fortress 2
Sounds: Flamecannon alt fire
The General Series 6000
(Sound Ideas)
Sounds: High quality rifle select