
Slot 1
Punchy smashy rippy teary! Sometimes what a demon needs is a broken nose and a good boot up their ass, and you're more than capable of providing both.
Slot 1
A standard fire axe, and an excellent weapon.

Altfire: Horizontal swing perfect for bisecting.
Special Action 1: Throws your axe with great force. Might be wise to stock up on em.

Slot 1
The great communicator. Digs into their flesh and stays there.

Altfire: Sawing in front of you is potentially safer, but less potent.
Special Action 1: Launch your running chainsaw at enemies, sticking to them until the deadman's switch activates.

Slot 2
This trusty sidearm fires semi auto as fast as you can pull the trigger.

Altfire: Sets your gun to a 3 round burst fire.
Special Action 1: Pulls out a second pistol, if you've scavenged one.
Special Action 2: Attaches a state of the art silencer. Those bastards won't know what hit em!

Submachine Gun
Slot 2
What it lacks in accuracy it makes up for in rate of fire, this little guy burns through ammo as it turns your enemies into swiss cheese.

Altfire: Get a better view down the iron sights.
Special Action 1: A second submachine gun means a whole lotta bullet holes.

Slot 2
Slow to fire but packs a mean and accurate punch, piercing multiple demons with increased headshot damage to boot.

Altfire: Fan the hammer, dishing out pain at the cost of accuracy and damage per shot.
Special Action 1: A second gun doubles your capacity, but accuracy takes a hit.

Slot 3
The Marine Corps' workhorse weapon, this beauty fires buckshot with impressive range and ammo capacity.

Altfire: Aim down sights and watch them blow apart.
Special Action 1: Glass slugs deal increased headshot damage, and are pretty damn accurate.

Super Shotgun
Slot 3
A classic and elegant design, the Super Shotgun fires two barrels of buckshot, leaving nothing but a fine red mist.

Altfire: Fires each barrel in rapid succession for quick takedowns.
Special Action 1: Dragon's breath rounds are as flashy as they are dangerous. Bad idea in small rooms.
Special Action 2: Meathook. Need I say more?

Auto Shotgun
Slot 3
Full auto buckshot spitting monstrosity, with a drum mag to sustain it.

Special Action 1: Experimental Plasma shells bounce off walls, creating a spectacular lightshow that can fire around corners.

Slot 4
Your trusty service rifle, firing full auto accurately.

Altfire: Iron sights compliment your range.
Special Action 1: Dual wielding rifles is as impractical as it is fun.
Special Action 2: Push them away with a rifle bash, dealing impressive knockback.

Slot 4 - shared with Nailgun
Known to some as the Destroyer, this six barreled ammo hungry beast is slow to start but spits lead like no other on top of an innovative modular chassis.

Altfire: Keep the barrels spinning, increasing reaction time but giving away your location.
Special Action 1: Attach Nailgun module, radically altering weapon function.
Special Action 2: Deploys an automated turret with 360 vision. You can pick it back up, but don't expect to get all your ammo back.

Slot 4 - shared with Minigun
Rapidly fires heavy hitting nails, pinning enemies down. Hammergun not included.

Altfire: Fires a burst of shrapnel that's a real pain in the ass, at least for them.
Special Action 1: Attach Minigun module, radically altering weapon function.

Machine Gun
Slot 4
Not the fastest gun out there, but it's a heavy hitter for sure.

Altfire: An underbarrel grenade launcher is a great way to say goodbye.
Special Action 1: Alternates how you're holding it. Minor performance differences, but it looks pretty cool.

Rocket Launcher
Slot 5
High tech application of a centuries old concept: "BOOM".

Altfire: Long distance night vision scope for ranged demolition.
Special Action 1: Laser emitter, giving incredible control over rocket trajectory. Watch where you point that thing.
Special Action 2: Wall mounted laser tripmine. Be careful of self inflicted disembowelment.

Grenade Launcher
Slot 5
Simple. Efficient. Makes a nice sound.

Altfire: Grenades explode on a timer rather than on impact.
Special Action 1: Plasma-charged sticky grenades strike fear in every second before death.

Plasma Rifle
Slot 6
The UAC's crowning achievement in firing superheated gas fast and accurately.

Altfire: Overcharges the energy accumulator, delivering a burst of plasma with impressive stopping power.
Special Action 1: Firing two plasma rifles at once is an intended use case, despite the legalese in the manual claiming otherwise.
Special Action 2: Activates the Kablamium siphon, converting plasma rounds into deadly, explosive, flesh-seeking crystals.

Slot 6
This sniper rifle fires metal skewers designed to pierce multiple feet of steel. And flesh, for that matter.

Altfire: Powerful scope with toggleable night vision.
Special Action 1: Deploys a hologram that can take a beating. Something about its glow attracts demons over you.

Slot 6
Semi auto bolts of cryogenic gas sticks to flesh and can quickly freeze them solid.

Altfire: Unleash a flame-like stream of ice, quickly overwhelming enemies.
Special Action 1: Produces tiny drones that follow you around, assisting you in battle with their mini cryo guns.

BFG 9000
Slot 7
So huge it requires a shoulder mount to operate, the big green ball it fires shoots bolts of pure energy out of the gun as soon as it impacts, seeking out whatever's in sight and eviscerating them. Fewer targets means more concentrated bolts.

Altfire: A spew of plasma balls at full auto melts anything you happen to be looking at.

BFG 10k
Slot 7
Refined and Miniaturized, the BFG 10,000 is the UAC's crowning jewel of firepower, launching mini BFG projectiles stupidly fast.

Altfire: Reworked implementation of an early prototype's firing method. A giant unstable ball of plasma releases BFG bolts into whatever flesh is nearby.
Special Action 1: Tactical Nuke launcher requiring specialty ammo. Completely ignores walls, and is likely to catch you in the blast if you don't stay clear. Firing sequence can be cancelled.

Slot 7
The fury of hell itself, concentrated into a beam of pure carnage.

Altfire: Rapid, devastating beams fired in 3 directions.
Special Action 1: ?????????

Revenant Missile Launcher
Slot 8
Scavenged from the undead warriors of hell, this rocket pack homes in on enemies with a high rate of fire.

Altfire: Volley of non-homing rockets.
Special Action 1: Activates the jetpack, letting you rain hell from above as long as you have fuel.
Special Action 2: Laser guided rockets. Not very original, huh. But now you can cheat like they do!

Mancubus Flame Cannon
Slot 8
Torn from fat, tank-like beasts, this gas powered flameball launcher fits like a glove.

Altfire: Launching liquid fuel creates a terrifying flamethrower.
Special Action 1: Twin flame arms, just like the fatsos themselves.

Slot 8
A demonic, soul fueled hammer that flattens everything in it's path. You don't want to meet whatever left this behind.

Altfire: A blast of energy throws enemies and objects around and deals a bit of damage as well. A well timed blast can parry projectiles for a huge damage boost.
Special Action 1: Gravity manipulation can grab anything in front of the hammer, including projectiles. Main fire to launch them away, altfire to place them down.
Special Action 2: Opens a temporary portal, letting you zip around the battlefield on repeat presses. Skillful use can telefrag.

Grenade Belt
Slot 9 + Special Hotkeys
Explosives that should never be taken for granted. With four varieties to choose from on-demand even while using other weapons, there's always a tactical choice at ready!

Special Action 1: Swaps your grenade type when you have them in hand.

Cluster Flings more explosives around it when set off for a ring of boom.

Primary: Throws far, explodes on contact.
Altfire: Rolls out, explodes on a timer.

Freeze Flash-freezes enemies in a radius around it.

Primary: Throws far, explodes on contact.
Altfire: Rolls out, explodes on a timer, leaving a lingering cold patch.

Pipe Remote detonated bombs good for setting up a blast zone.

Primary: Throws far, waits for signal. Try throwing more than one!
Altfire: Triggers all deployed pipebombs to explosive effect.

Void Deployable black holes in the palm of your hand, which drag in and damage everything around them. This includes you, so MOVE!

Primary: Throws far, explodes on contact.
Altfire: Rolls out, explodes on a timer.